Where to find help when you feel...

Where to find help when you feel...

I've had a Good News for Everyone (formally Gideon) Bible since I was 11 and one was handed out to me in school.

I recently became a member as I am so passionate about handing these out to patients and anyone else who may need one. We are getting through boxes of them in the hospital as they speak to people.

On the first few pages they have a where to find help section. It will then guide you to a part of the Bible to hopefully find a passage or quote that will speak to you. There are lots of help categories ranging from feeling afraid and desperate, to illness pain and distress... to thankfulness. All very real and relevant in our day to day lives.

I always say to patients that something might not speak to you this time, but it might on another day. It's a living book. There are still so many who don't know about these amazing Bibles, I always carry one with me.

Soon after I joined as a member I bumped into someone in a hospital corridor who I ended up offering one of the Bibles to - I asked if they had heard of the Gideon Bibles and they had via a Beetles song, they really needed one that day. I've even handed some to one of the Nuns at the Poor Clares to hand out.

Each and every shift I work as a hospital Chaplain I am blessed with being able to put some of these Bibles into the hands of grateful patients. Some who are familiar with these Bibles, others who are discovering them for the first time. Through their simple and accessible help pages it paves the way to some clarity and connection with the Gospels and beyond. It makes the idea of God and the scriptures easier for those who would otherwise feel too overwhelmed to pick up a Bible. Many of these people may never foot in a church, but I like to think how they will be able to hold on to their Good News for Everyone Bibles in the years to come, perhaps picking it up in moments of need.

I left a Hope magazine with a patient just reconnecting with their faith earlier this month in the hospital, on my return visit I found it on their bed as something they had regularly been picking up to read. It's always a gift walking out of the wards and glancing back at someone I had just given a Bible to - to see them already reading it.
