There have been many patients who I have now had the privilege of walking alongside to the end of their lives.
What always strikes me is how lucky we are if we have a faith to hold on to in these times. It gives comfort and reassurance, a presence of love and a hope in something beyond our understanding that we are walking towards.
I always like sharing music with patients and this is something I always include in end of life ministry. Music brings so much joy and can instantly change the atmosphere in the room. I always offer the family the choice of music- as I am able to access anything via the magic that is Spotify, I've played favourite hymns through to Westlife and Rod Stewart. I always keep a portable speaker in the office.
Heart pebbles and crosses always come into this ministry, I find patients and family like something to hold onto whilst I say the end of life prayers. It's something tangible that will hopefully provide memories of comfort to mark an important part of their loved ones journey which was shared together. One family took turns in each placing their heart pebble into their family members hand so that it had been held by them.
We also light LED candles for the room - I take these back to stay lit in the hospital chapel throughout the day and night.
There is a stage in the prayers where family can also join the prayer by “laying on of hands” this has always been one of the most powerful experiences I have encountered in my Chaplaincy ministry so far. Often the patient reacts in some way - that is the power of prayer and love in action.