I was asked this evening on one of the Biblical study courses I'm on, the same question many patients ask me. Why does God allow suffering? Why am I suffering?
We are all allowed to live our lives freely. But God meets us in our suffering. He knows what it is to suffer the ultimate pain as he sent his son to die for us (Jesus) on the cross. He goes before us and surrounds us on all sides, he is the beginning and the end. He counts every tear and we hold on to the hope he wipes away every tear in the end. And we have faith that we are all walking through the valley together (Psalm 23) towards something that is beyond our understanding and comprehension, and that is ultimate pure happiness and love. We aren't told to stop and have a picnic in this valley, we are walking through together. Sometimes when we lose someone we love, we have to accept that they have walked ahead of us, but we will catch up with them. We are on the same journey.
Love is something that can't be defined or explained. We trust it as we feel it. Like the wind blowing, we know it's there but we can't see it. We feel it. And that's like having hope in something beyond our understanding.
We trust that we will be sustained and held.
We must ask ourselves, what is our hope in?
Light and love never die. Scientifically light / atoms never die, they are displaced, energy is transferred into something else. We live on. God is in everything, the wind, the fire, the sun, the moon, the stars.... we are all part of the same as we are united in love.