I had the huge privilege of being able to minister to Mark as hospital Chaplain. We were blessed with many visits together during his time in hospital, two to three times a week. I hope I can share with you some words of comfort.
Despite the situation Mark found himself in, what remained steadfast was the strength and depth of his faith and prayers. This was consistently present and a deep peace often surrounded him. His sharp mind and humour remained present to the end.
We shared Psalm 23 (the King James version) together every visit. Mark held on to every word of this and it guided him through to his final hours. He said to me “I shall not want” “I want for nothing ”. How beautiful it was to hear those words spoken. He knew the Lord was his shepherd.
At Easter time, I happened to take a photo from Mark's seat. We had this blown up and laminated and I took it into his hospital room where it resided in view of his bed, in the corner of his room his whole stay. I said that he was still worshipping with us from his corner.
He also had these cards lined up in a row along the wall in front of his bed. So sure was he that although he knew he was walking through the valley of the shadow of death - represented in the darker cards- he knew where he was heading - into the light, to dwell in the house of the lord forever. He feared no evil and knew God was walking alongside him. He knew his place was being prepared for him in heaven and he knew how to get there - the waters would be shallow and the path clear.
It was a privilege to give Mark his final spiritual communion - we often prayed for strength, love, comfort, protection and peace. The words “May the Lord show his face to you and give you peace. May the Lord always be with you and may you always be with Him” were said at most visits - Mark is most certainly with the Lord.
We also shared music together at each visit - most often a song I will play in a minute - but also Still, Still, Still, Jesu Lover of my Soul and The Poor Clares. Peace lit up his face during these times.
Mark always said to me - when you are driving through a fjord, keep your engine running, don't stop or you will have people paddling out to rescue you. Keep going. Even when people are throwing buckets of cold water over you... and that advice will stick with me throughout my life. Mark showed such resilience, bravery and strength whilst in hospital.
He also said that he always sat in the back corner as we should worship and praise God from every corner. Something that is important to remember wherever we go.
As we ended our visits I would always say the Lord's prayer, and let us bless the Lord - thanks be to God. Mark always managed to say Thanks be to God. Without fail.
So thanks be to God for Mark's faithful life of service and prayer - as he dwells in the house of the Lord forever, fully restored and at peace. Amen.