
My name is Claire and I am a Hospital Chaplain in Brighton. Previously I was also volunteer Trust Chaplain to the ambulance service. I am a Church of England Lay Minister in Chaplaincy and Holy Communion and currently in the church discernment process for Ordained ministry. I am also in discernment with the Poor Clare Convent in Arundel to be an Associate. I wanted to share some of my journey and experiences with you as these adventures continue!

"Comfort, O Comfort my people says your God” Isaiah 40


This Moment

On a recent retreat, there was a lot of reflection about being in this moment. “This moment is all we have - the future is fiction”. It al...


Calming the storm

This has been a shift of visibly seeing how God reaches out and comforts people in stormy times.I think we are all clinging on through storms at diffe...


Love across the wards

Pope Francis writes - “Happiness can't be bought. And when you buy happiness, you realise that the happiness that is bought does not last. Only ...


In the power of the Holy Spirit

The sermon I heard on Sunday morning included the following......Realising you can't do something, then doing it anyway in the strength of the Holy Sp...



I was asked this evening on one of the Biblical study courses I'm on, the same question many patients ask me. Why does God allow suffering? Why am I s...


Where to find help when you feel...

I've had a Good News for Everyone (formally Gideon) Bible since I was 11 and one was handed out to me in school.I recently became a member as I am so ...


What's in the bag?!

A list of what I usually have on me on my adventures around the hospital...Holy Communion service sheets and consecrated bread to give out during comm...


The Poor Clares in Arundel...

A convent I regularly visit for days of prayer and retreats, has blessed the world with two wonderful CDs. Their music has been so powerful for use wi...


Christ Has No Hands

Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)Christ Has No BodyChrist has no body but yours,No hands, no feet on earth but yours,Yours are the eyes with which he looksC...


Walking to the end

There have been many patients who I have now had the privilege of walking alongside to the end of their lives.What always strikes me is how lucky we a...


A Patient and congregation member...(names changed)

I had the huge privilege of being able to minister to Mark as hospital Chaplain. We were blessed with many visits together during his time in hospital...


DBC Chaplaincy talk 10th October 2024 (names changed)

Good Afternoon everyone, my name is Claire and I am a Hospital Chaplain and a volunteer Chaplain with the Ambulance Service.It is an honour and a priv...


Chaplaincy in action

It is a blessing and a calling to volunteer within the Hospital Chaplaincy team at Brighton and with the ambulance service.I have experienced so many ...


A talk in the Church

A year ago, I wasn't even coming to Church on a Sunday and although I had been in and out of different churches at different stages of my life, I had ...